Your financial support helps to fulfill the mission of
White Oak Bicycle Cooperative to ensure more people have access to bicycles and bicycle safety education in the Chattanooga Region.

Thank you for your support!

Credit Card or PayPal


Please direct your check to:
White Oak Bicycle Cooperative
P.O. Box 15102
Red Bank, TN 37415

Bicycle Education Giving Campaign

Help WOBC launch one of Tennessee’s largest and most comprehensive bicycle programs where education and free bicycle access are combined! WOBC is seeking to raise $50,000 to launch its Bicycle Education Program, which includes hosting Bicycle Rodeos, Skilled & Guided Rides, Pop-up Bicycle Playgrounds, and Learn to Ride a Bike seminars. Phase 1 (Goal: $15,000) of the fundraising campaign will help purchase bicycle education supplies, including: equipment for rodeos & bicycle playgrounds, parts and supplies for bicycle education fleet, racks and hooks for trailer, helmets, and bicycle repair tools. DONATE NOW!

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